Fund Objectives

We primarily invest in real assets like apartment buildings, mobile home and RV parks, car washes, self-storage facilities, and ATM machines. 

Since the projected returns and durations vary wildly opportunity to opportunity, it is hard to provide an all-encompassing number without misrepresentation. 

There is no shortage of high risk low quality deals available to individual investors. InvestWise Collective collaborates with our members to be extremely selective and conservative with which deals are presented to the group.

Below are some target ranges we strive to achieve:

General Information

  • Fund Minimum Investment: $50,000

  • Deal Minimum: $25,000

  • 4-6 Offerings per year

Debt Offerings

  • Duration: 6 to 24 months

  • Target Returns: 7-12%

Equity Offerings

  • Duration: 3 to 10 years

  • Target Returns: 13-25%

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